five board game tile sets (Classic Chinese tile set,Pets tile set, Flowers board game set, Hoilday board game set and English Alphabets board game set). every tile set provides you a feel of enjoying a very diffrent game, and it makes this Logic board game replayable for years and years.
quite four hundred Layouts, some lofty up to twenty five floors. (Pets, Flowers and Alphabets)
Unlimited Undo, Redo and Reshuffle actions
Layouts in simply accessible classes
tiny : quite a hundred and twenty board game layouts. you'll be able to play the games fast and quick. appropriate for occasional breaks. forty - 124 tiles
Medium : a hundred and twenty layouts, up to two hundred tiles per layout. The board game games can consume around ten minutes.
giant : With tiles starting from two hundred to three hundred, this game Will keep you busy for an hour or more
Giant : Ready to play games for hours and hours? this game will sure keep you busy for long hours. With some pile of tiles crossing the 1000 tiles mark, while some other Mahjong layouts towers up to 25 floors and even more
Soothing sound track
Games are created on the fly! (that does not mean you get a random game which is not solvable. All created games are perfectly solvable.)